
  • We consider ourselves to be the first refillable supplement brand. We recommend that when you make your first purchase of supplements you also purchase our refillable branded jar. This jar has been specifically designed to keep the capsule contents safe, and free from UV or air degradation. All our supplements come in compostable pouches which are purely used to fill the branded jar and then disposed of. When you purchase the supplements with the refillable jar you will also receive an information hanger that can be placed around the jar rim, under the lid so you can identify your supplement.

  • The refillable jar should not be disposed of, this has been specifically designed to be a multi-use item. The refillable pouches are compostable so can be taken to a local centre to undergo industrial composting. You can find your local centre through a simple google search. Lastly, if you want to dispose of the information hanger these can be placed in the recycling bin.
    At this time, our cosmetics are not refillable, but that doesn’t mean they are one time use items. Many of our cosmetics packaging can be used for other purposes or simply recycled along with white glass.
  • The compostable pouch is not intended for long term storage and use as they are made to degrade eventually unlike more common plastic materials. We recommend that to maintain the shelf life of the packaging for as long as possible you should keep the pouches in a cool, dry place with temperatures below 25°C and out of direct sunlight. Please be advised that we recommend you purchase the refillable jar to get the most for your supplements.


Your body

Nourish your body with the nutrients it needs. We won’t compromise on quality.


Your mind

You only feel good when the whole of you feels good - and that includes your head.


Your world

100% natural excipients, vegan and ethically packaged to protect our planet.

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